Major Institutions

Kerala Kalamandalam, Deemed University of Art and Culture by the Government of India, is a major center for learning Indian performing arts, especially those that developed in the Southern states of India, with the special emphasis on Kerala. It is situated in the small town of Cheruthuruthy in Thrissur, Thrissur District on the banks of the Bharathapuzha river.Founded in 1930 by renowned poet Padmabhooshan Vallathol Narayana Menon along the banks of the river Nila in the Cheruthuruthy village of Thrissur District, Kalamandalam is an immortal name in the cultural map of the world. Kalamandalam is strictly a residential center of learning. Veteran teachers and talented students are its inestimable wealth. For art-recitals, demonstrations and workshops held in Kalamandalam and outside, artiste-teachers and students participate.
Kerala Kalamandalam
Cheruthuruthy – 679 531 via Thrissur, Kerala, India
Telephone: 91+ 4884 262418, 262562, Fax: 91- 4884 – 262019
Email: info[at]kalamandalam[dot]org
Kerala Sahitya Akademi

Kerala Sahitya Akademi or Academy for Malayalam literature is an autonomous body established to promote Malayalam language and literature. It is situated in City of Thrissur, Kerala in India. The academy was inaugurated on October 15, 1956, by Chithira Thirunal Balarama Varma, the former king of Travancore, in Thiruvananthapuram. It was shifted to its present location at City of Thrissur on September, 1957. Though the Kerala Government provides the funding and support for the academy, the administration of the academy is autonomous according to its constitution. The academy recognises superior literary works through its annual literary awards for Poetry, Novel, Story, Drama, Literary criticism, Biography – autobiography, Travelogue, Humour, Translation, Children’s literature etc.
Kerala Sahitya Akademi
Thrissur, Kerala. India. PIN 680020
Tel: +91 487 2331069
Kerala Lalithakala Akademi

Kerala Lalithakala Akademi, established in 1962, with the objective of conserving and promoting visual arts: painting, sculpture, architecture, and graphics, is an autonomous cultural organization of the Government of Kerala.Founders: Those who have steered the course of history since its inception 28/11/’62, are magnetic personalities in their chosen fields. The line traces its history back to the great artist Raja Ravi Varma, as his son M Rama Varma Raja chaired the first committee. Ever since, celebrities have presided over its undertakings and projects.
Kerala Lalithakala Akademi
Chembukkavu,Thrissur – 680 020
Tel. 91 4872333773
Email: secretary[at]lalithkala[dot]org
Kerala Institute of Local Administration

Kerala Institute of Local Administration (KILA) is an autonomous training, research and consultancy organisation constituted under the Ministry of Local Self Government, government of Kerala, registered as per Travancore – Cochin Literacy, Scientific and Charitable Societies Act-1955. KILA was established in 1990, in the pattern of a national institute, with the main objective of strengthening decentralization and local governance. Ever since its inception, KILA has been engaged in myriad of capacity building interventions on local governance and decentralization; including training, action-research, publications, seminars and workshops, consultancy, documentation, handholding and information services. The Central university of Kerala has recognised it as a Research centre attached to the Department of International Relations w.e.f 14 July 2014.KILA has the mandate of facilitating and accelerating the socio-economic development of the State through strengthening the Local Self Government Institutions (LSGIs). As a Government of Kerala supported nodal agency for training, research and consultancy, KILA is committed to the following objectives:Undertake various training programmes for the Elected Representatives and Officials of Rural and Urban Local Governments of Kerala,Facilitate and strengthen decentralized planning process,Undertake action-oriented research activities,Document best practices on local governance for dissemination, Organize seminars, workshops and discussions ,Formulate policy documents.
Kerala Institute of Local Administration
Thrissur, Mulagunnathukavu, Killannur, Kerala 680581
Tel. 0487 -220 7000
Kerala Police Academy

Kerala Police Academy is situated at Ramavarmapuram, Thrissur began functioning in May, 2004. The Academy runs full-term basic courses for Sub-inspectors, Constables, Women Constables, Drivers and Telecommunication Wing Constables. It also conducts short-term courses and in-service courses for various ranks. The Academy is designed to have a capacity of training for 1,950 trainees of various ranks (1,500 Constables, 400 Officers and 50 Women Constables) at a time, it is one of the highest in India. Built at a cost of Rs. 220 million, the Academy has an indoor training facility to train 1,200 persons simultaneously. Spread over an area of 348 acres, it has a main parade ground of 7.5 acres and a sports complex ground of 3.5 acres too. The Academy has got a firing range of 300 yards. The M T school of the Academy can train 300 drivers now. There is also a Training Centre for Police Dogs, which can train 18 dogs at a time.
Kerala Police Academy
Inspector General of Training & Head of Kerala Police Academy,
Mannumkad, Ramavarmapuram, Thrissur, Kerala 680631
Tel. 0487 -232 8770
Vijnan Sagar Science And Technology Park

VijnanSagar Science and Technology Park is inaugurated on August 31, 2017 to enable for achieving the dream of development in the field of Science and Technology, in Thrissur District. It is located at Ramavarmapuram, Thrissur. It has reached the realization stage, with the components of ISRO Space Pavilion, Space Explorium, Science Lab, Electronics Lab-cum-Smart Class Room, which are the main attractions. Vijnan Sagar is dedicated for imparting higher level of knowledge in the field of Science and Technology. It acts as a catalyst, attracting both teachers and students and paving the way to give them necessary knowledge through practical experiments. The institution aims at creating a group of able teachers, students, scientists who can participate in State/National/International workshops, exhibitions and competitions. Vijnan Sagar is also targeting to create a platform for students, education deprived smart researchers to develop their own innovative ideas and inventions. The park is coming up with facilities for arranging Scientific and Technological Seminars, Science Fairs, Science Competitions etc.
VijnanSagar Science and Technology Park
Ramavarmapuram, Thrissur, Kerala 680631
Tel. 0487 -2330800
email :vijnansagar[at]gmail[dot]com